Something for Everyone: Something for Experienced Crew (and possibly the novice):
Start off on the right (or left) foot: - Always communicate with the pilot, he is responsible.
A hot air balloon team consists of a pilot and enough crew persons to help set up and launch the balloon for flight. Then the fun begins.... As the pilot flies off, the crew drives the chase vehicle to follow on the ground, trying to keep up as the balloon floats on its merry way. This can be very challenging as the balloon sometimes heads across areas where the road doesn't go.
Being there when the balloon finally lands gives you a great sense of satisfaction. Now it's time to help pack up the balloon. Sometimes there is an enthusiastic crowd of onlookers ... most times we will invite them to join in and help. As the saying goes, " the more the merrier," and also the easier it is to pack up.
After the balloon is back in the bag, the next step is a traditional "champagne toast" and socializing with all those around - passengers, landowners, extra hands ...... A good time is had by all.
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Real simple .. just ask. Most pilots are more than willing to take on new people as crew. Just ask any pilot or crew member. You can even send me an e-mail.
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Pilots enjoy ballooning as a sport and derive a lot of pleasure out of flying. This atmosphere adds to the overall enjoyment of all those involved (yourself included). So, even though you are "working," it is still a pleasurable experience (why else would anyone want to get up at "O-dark-thirty").
Crew members often form lasting friendships with other crew and pilots. You may also have the opportunity to attend various balloon festivals.
And, I've saved this one for last, your pilot may also offer you a "free" ride for all your "work." They may base it on amount of time crewed since last time you flew, or the need for added weight in the basket, or just because....
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If this is towards the end of the flight
.....(and prior to calling the lost balloon telephone number)
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It is very important that you work out your methods of communications beforehand:
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Pilot is doing tether rides in a field after landing. A number of spectators (young and old) abound. Basket lands; you put weight on; the passengers quickly disembark (without pilot consent) and the basket begins to rise before new passengers are ready to get in. You find your feet are no longer on mother earth (maybe a foot or so off the ground and rising).
What should you do? How could this have been avoided?
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Items on this web page are intended for general interest only. Crew participation will vary due to your level of experience, number of people involved, weather conditions and, of course, the methods followed by the pilot.
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